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Description Mean, maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) in relation to nestbox type, 8 March–21 May 2005. This period comprises egg‐laying, incubation and brood periods for the first breeding attempt.
Article Title: Effect of nestbox type on occupancy and breeding biology of Tree Sparrows Passer montanus in central Spain
Publication Title: Ibis -
Description Mean (± se) laying date of Tree Sparrows breeding in woodcrete and wooden nestboxes in the different study years (filled circles = woodcrete nestboxes, open squares = wooden nestboxes).
Article Title: Effect of nestbox type on occupancy and breeding biology of Tree Sparrows Passer montanus in central Spain
Publication Title: Ibis -
Description Results of Generalized Linear Model analyses (anova or ancova) testing the effects of different explanatory terms (year, nestbox type, laying date, clutch size or brood size) on five response...
Article Title: Effect of nestbox type on occupancy and breeding biology of Tree Sparrows Passer montanus in central Spain
Publication Title: Ibis