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- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs-fig-0005-m
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Simulated WUE (WUEs) and measured water use efficiency (WUEm) of maize for the 1989, 1990, and 1994 (full and short) seasons in Bushland, TX.
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs-fig-0006-m
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Simulated (line) versus measured canopy cover (filled circles), biomass (filled squares), and grain yield (open squares) accumulation of maize for the full, vegetative stress and rainfed treatments...
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs-fig-0007-m
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Simulated (line) versus measured canopy cover (filled circles), and biomass (filled squares) accumulation of maize for the 1995 full, 50% and 33% irrigation treatments in Zaragoza, Spain. The...
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs-fig-0001-m
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Daily rainfall (solid bars) and applied irrigation (gray bars) during the cropping seasons in (a–c) Bushland, TX, USA; (d) Gainesville, FL, USA; and (e–f) Zaragoza, Spain. The irrigation for...
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs-fig-0008-m
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Simulated and measured final biomass (filled squares) and grain yield (open circles) of all irrigation treatments in the 1995 and 1996 experiments conducted in Zaragoza, Spain.
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs_table_tbl5
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Measured and simulated final biomass, grain yield and canopy cover for all the experiments with AquaCrop. Values in parentheses are simulations using 15% higher ETo. Also presented is the total...
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs-fig-0003-m
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Simulated (line) versus measured biomass accumulation (filled circles) of maize over three seasons (1989, 1990, and 1994) for Bushland, TX. The biomass of the irrigated (filled squares) and...
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs-fig-0002-m
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Simulated (line) versus measured canopy cover (filled circles) of maize over three seasons (1989, 1990, and 1994) for Bushland, TX. In 1994, an irrigated (filled squares) and nonirrigated (open...
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs-fig-0004-m
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Simulated (line) versus measured daily ET of maize over three full (filled circles) seasons (1989, 1990, and 1994) and that of a short season (filled squares) in 1994 for Bushland, TX.
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs_table_tbl1
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Experimental and agronomic information for Bushland, Gainesville, and Zaragoza used in AquaCrop validation.
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs_table_tbl2
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Soil properties at Bushland, Gainesville, and Zaragoza for validation of the AquaCrop model.
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs_table_tbl3
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description Conservative parameters of AquaCrop taken from Hsiao et al. (2009) and used to simulate the studies at the three locations.†
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal -
- Identifier
- agj2agronj20080029xs_table_tbl4
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description The root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of efficiency (E) between measured canopy cover (CC), biomass, grain yield, and evapotranspiration (ET) values and simulated results shown in Fig....
Article Title: Validating the FAO AquaCrop Model for Irrigated and Water Deficient Field Maize
Publication Title: Agronomy Journal