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- Identifier
- embr201347-fig-0002
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- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Inverse correlation of RNA‐2571 and 1183 mRNA levels in the presence and absence of phosphate. (A) Northern blot analysis of RNA‐2571 levels with total RNA from Sso cells grown in either full...
Article Title: Antisense regulation by transposon‐derived RNAs in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Native SACs in PCT epithelial cells. (A) Top trace: Cell‐attached patch‐clamp recording of SACs at a holding potential of −80 mV on the basolateral side of a freshly isolated proximal convoluted...
Article Title: Piezo1‐dependent stretch‐activated channels are inhibited by Polycystin‐2 in renal tubular epithelial cells
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Table
Article Title: Bardet–Biedl Syndrome ciliopathy is linked to altered hematopoiesis and dysregulated self‐tolerance
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Efficiency of tagging of tmRNA targets. ΔssrA expressing tmRNA‐His was used to estimate the fraction of DasR protein, which becomes tagged by the tmRNA‐mediated trans‐translation mechanism. (A)...
Article Title: Transfer–messenger RNA controls the translation of cell‐cycle and stress proteins in Streptomyces
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr200981-fig-0002
- License Type
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- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description YB‐1 is secreted through a non‐classical, vesicle‐mediated pathway by LPS‐stimulated cells. (A) Confocal laser‐scanning microscopy visualized formation of YB‐1–GFP‐enriched vesicles in 2 h after...
Article Title: Y‐box protein‐1 is actively secreted through a non‐classical pathway and acts as an extracellular mitogen
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Yersinia pestis KIM5 accumulates in the Caenorhabditis elegans intestine and causes a lethal infection. (A) Groups of 40 C. elegans N2 (wild type) young adult animals were exposed to control...
Article Title: Yersinia pestis kills Caenorhabditis elegans by a biofilm‐independent process that involves novel virulence factors
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Ubqln1 interacts with Ubqln4 through its UBA domain. (A) 293 cells were co‐transfected with GFP‐S‐Ubqln1, GFP‐S‐Ubqln1 ΔUBL (deletion of UBL domain) or GFP‐S‐Ubqln1 ΔUBA (deletion of UBA domain)...
Article Title: Ubiquilin4 is an adaptor protein that recruits Ubiquilin1 to the autophagy machinery
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description N‐cadherin partitioning is not related to fate. (A) High magnifications of an apically dividing neural stem cell (NSC) in anaphase representative of equal (left panels) and unequal (right panels)...
Article Title: Adherens junction domains are split by asymmetric division of embryonic neural stem cells
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Bacterial strains, bacteriophages and plasmids
Article Title: Bacteriophage‐encoded cochaperonins can substitute for Escherichia coli's essential GroES protein
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201541382-fig-0002ev
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Graphs showing cumulative LAMP1 distribution (top) in cells transfected with non‐targeting siRNA or siRNA against FNIP1/2, in normal growth or starvation conditions. Error bars show ± SEM from 30...
Article Title: Folliculin directs the formation of a Rab34–RILP complex to control the nutrient‐dependent dynamic distribution of lysosomes
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201744069-fig-0001ev
- License Type
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- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description AU2OS cells were transiently co‐transfected with myc‐Atg4B and GFP‐Rab7b, incubated in CM or starved for 2 h, and lysed, followed by co‐IP with GFP‐Trap magnetic agarose beads. Whole‐cell lysates...
Article Title: Rab7b modulates autophagic flux by interacting with Atg4B
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201744416-fig-0003
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Electron micrographs of isolated sheath samples. Wild‐type sheath and those with additional one or two amino acids inserted are hollow but with three or more amino acids show a protein density in...
Article Title: Type VI secretion system sheath inter‐subunit interactions modulate its contraction
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Methylation of Lys 270 inhibits the DNA‐binding activity of FOXO3 and FOXO3‐dependent transcription. (A) 293T cells were transfected with FKRE luciferase reporter gene and tk‐renilla reporter...
Article Title: Lysine methylation of FOXO3 regulates oxidative stress‐induced neuronal cell death
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Physical interaction with both LGR4 and ZNRF3 is required for the signaling activity of R‐spondin. (A) RSPO1–GFP mutants with defective LGR4 or ZNRF3 binding lose Wnt‐potentiating activity....
Article Title: Interaction with both ZNRF3 and LGR4 is required for the signalling activity of R‐spondin
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201643668-fig-0001ev
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description A, BRepresentative flow cytometry analysis after Annexin‐V/7‐AAD staining in OPCs incubated with conditioned medium from MGGAS5OE (A) or MGGAS5i (B) for 24 h versus the control. C, DApoptosis rate...
Article Title: LncRNA GAS5 inhibits microglial M2 polarization and exacerbates demyelination
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description A–FExpression of HIF1A‐AS2 was suppressed in HUVECs by oligo phosphodiester nucleotides (ODN)‐based knockdown. Cells were then treated with CoCl2 for 5 h to mimic hypoxic condition and subjected to...
Article Title: ADAR1 promotes robust hypoxia signaling via distinct regulation of multiple HIF‐1α‐inhibiting factors
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201439837-fig-0005
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description mRNA levels of depicted genes measured in epididymal WAT of C/EBPβΔuORF/BL6 mice relative to wt mice (wt, n = 5; C/EBPβΔuORF/BL6, n = 6). mRNA levels of depicted genes measured in livers of...
Article Title: Deficiency in mTORC1‐controlled C/EBPβ‐mRNA translation improves metabolic health in mice
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201642586-fig-0005ev
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Neurons were transfected with control vector (Ctrl) or HA‐MYD88 (MYD88) with a GFP construct at 4 DIV. One day later, neurons were treated with saline or 10 μg/ml poly(I:C) for 24 h. Neurons were...
Article Title: TLR3 downregulates expression of schizophrenia gene Disc1 via MYD88 to control neuronal morphology
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description RAB21 is required for endosomal sorting of direct clathrin‐independent cargos. RAB21 associates with WASH/retromer subcomplexes at endosomes. RAB21 could either (i) recruit WASH/retromer or (ii) be...
Article Title: APEX2‐mediated RAB proximity labeling identifies a role for RAB21 in clathrin‐independent cargo sorting
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr202050854-fig-0007
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Increased recruitment of Keap1 to p62 bodies in the MOAP‐1‐deficient LO2 cells. WT and MOAP‐1 KO LO2 cells were subjected to IF analysis with anti‐Keap1 (green) and anti‐p62 (red) antibodies....
Article Title: MOAP‐1‐mediated dissociation of p62/SQSTM1 bodies releases Keap1 and suppresses Nrf2 signaling
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201017-fig-0002
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description The mitochondrial targeting peptide is necessary but not sufficient to guide asymmetric localization of mRNA. mRNA localization was assessed statistically by FISH analyses (more than 100 cells), as...
Article Title: Mitochondrial presequence and open reading frame mediate asymmetric localization of messenger RNA
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201642377-fig-0005ev
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description ARPE‐1 cells transfected with NS siRNA, Cep78 siRNA, or VprBP siRNA were stained with DAPI (blue) and antibodies against centrin (green) and Cep78 or VprBP (red). Scale bar, 1 μm. BFlag‐Cep78 was...
Article Title: Cep78 controls centrosome homeostasis by inhibiting EDD‐DYRK2‐DDB1VprBP
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description The NPC‐binding domain of TAP contains a UBA‐like motif. (A) Multiple alignment of UBA domains. Description of the columns is as in Figure 2. Species names (other than those in Figure 2): Mm, Mus...
Article Title: Prediction of structural domains of TAP reveals details of its interaction with p15 and nucleoporins
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description A, BHEK293 Tet‐off experiments showing the degradation of REL‐OPT and REL‐WT transcripts (A) and IL6‐OPT, IL6‐WT, and IL6‐DE transcripts (B), under vehicle (DMSO) and cycloheximide (CHX) treatment,...
Article Title: Codon bias confers stability to human mRNAs
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201948741-fig-0004ev
- License Type
- Rights Managed
- Rights Holder
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description ANCO1 knockdown increases the size of MCF10A spheres. Indicated cells were plated on Matrigel and allowed to form spheres for 7 days. 10× and 40× magnifications shown, scale bar = 100 μm....
Article Title: Loss of ANCO1 repression at AIB1/YAP targets drives breast cancer progression
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Immunostaining using anti‐TUJ1 antibody of ES‐cell-derived neurons following infection with either non‐targeting shRNA (sh‐NT), or two different shRNAs targeting Reno1. Scale bar: 200 μm....
Article Title: Regulation of neuronal commitment in mouse embryonic stem cells by the Reno1/Bahcc1 locus
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201642540-fig-0002
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Schematic of the budding yeast rDNA locus on chromosome XII. Primers along the rDNA locus are indicated by red lines and numbers 1 to 10. NTS (non‐transcribed spacer), ETS (external transcribed...
Article Title: Loss of Nat4 and its associated histone H4 N‐terminal acetylation mediates calorie restriction‐induced longevity
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description Ewing sarcoma protein promotes dissociation of poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase 1 from chromatinSeon‐gyeong Lee et al - EMBO reportsEMBO rep vol. 21, 05 November 2020
Article Title: Ewing sarcoma protein promotes dissociation of poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase 1 from chromatin
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
- Identifier
- embr201540467-fig-0002
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Titrations of GFP‐Oct4 are shown from left to right with the Nanog Sox/Oct motif, the PORE‐wt, the PORE‐mt (a DNA probe in which one of the 2 binding sites in the PORE palindrome is mutated) and...
Article Title: Selective influence of Sox2 on POU transcription factor binding in embryonic and neural stem cells
Publication Title: EMBO reports -
Description LPKO mice develop obesity and diabetes after 20 weeks of high‐fat‐diet feeding. (A) Growth curve of HFD‐fed mice (starting at 2 months of age; mean±s.e.m. n=5). (B) Organ weight of HFD‐fed mice...
Article Title: The association of phosphoinositide 3‐kinase enhancer A with hepatic insulin receptor enhances its kinase activity
Publication Title: EMBO reports