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Description Models of change in a species’ occupancy between CS1 and CS2 as a function of change in its abundance (Δ(abundance)) together with mean body size, abundance in CS1, occupancy in CS1, and the...
Article Title: Abundance–occupancy relationships in deep sea wood fall communities
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Time series patterns (means±SE) of tree mortality caused by mountain pine beetle, 1990–2003, on grid cells 12×12 km in size in British Columbia, Canada, based on hierarchical cluster analysis for...
Article Title: Landscape level analysis of mountain pine beetle in British Columbia, Canada: spatiotemporal development and spatial synchrony within the present outbreak
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Local (alpha) diversity of Prosobranchia (a) and Bivalvia (b) in shallow soft bottom habitats. Samples were obtained using a Van Veen grab at the following localities (north–south): Ancón‐11°45′S...
Article Title: Mollusk species diversity in the Southeastern Pacific: why are there more species towards the pole?
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Local standardized regression coefficients for ln‐transformed altitudinal range (lnAR) and actual evapotranspiration (AET) from the GWR analysis (Table 2) in relation to region (northern versus...
Article Title: Plio‐Pleistocene climate change and geographic heterogeneity in plant diversity–environment relationships
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Conceptual figure depicting one case where long‐term species trends could mask year‐to‐year fluctuations and how the two proposed methods account for this by detrending. Each species is represented...
Article Title: Accounting for long‐term directional trends on year‐to‐year synchrony in species fluctuations
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description When are forecasts of species distribution models without explicit representation of interspecific interactions unbiased (left column) and biased (right column), respectively? (A) In general,...
Article Title: The influence of interspecific interactions on species range expansion rates
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Simplified map of soil conditions and land use in the study area. Loamy soils appear in light grey, sandy soils in dull grey, and forest stands in hatched.
Article Title: The effects of environmental variation on bryophytes at a regional scale
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Effect of the modelling method on the four used performance metrics according to the percentage of presence data points used in model training (0.1, 1, 5 and 10%) and the prevalence of the virtual...
Article Title: A simple method to estimate the probable distribution of species
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Epidemiogical data from the National Forest Damage Inventory Project, Sweden, showing frequencies of trees with leaf damage averaged for 2004–2006 relative to a. tree origin (expressed as...
Article Title: Large scale geographic clines of parasite damage to Populus tremula L.
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description The interaction between processes in dynamic vegetation models (DVMs) and how they could be used for studying species range shifts. Each grid cell within the species range (represented by the large...
Article Title: Using dynamic vegetation models to simulate plant range shifts
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Hypotheses and predictions for patterns of coexistence in sister pairs distributed across an elevational gradient. We tested the hypothesis that exploitative competition influences patterns of...
Article Title: Behavior influences range limits and patterns of coexistence across an elevational gradient in tropical birds
Publication Title: Ecography -
- Identifier
- ecog12665-fig-0002
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Distribution maps of (A) H. erato and (B) H. melpomene. For arbitrarily defined sampling locations, the pie charts indicate the frequency of the most common subspecies (coloured sections) to rare...
Article Title: The Amazon river is a suture zone for a polyphyletic group of co‐mimetic heliconiine butterflies
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Difference in correlation coefficients between a widespread species (occurring in nine cells) and a restricted one (occurring in a single site). Correlations are between overall species richness...
Article Title: Contribution of restricted and widespread species to diversity: the effect of range cohesion
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Map of current distribution of the European wild rabbit (black areas) and locations of the studies reviewed (white stars). The diagram summarizes the factors previously described as important for...
Article Title: Breeding like rabbits: global patterns of variability and determinants of European wild rabbit reproduction
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description The number of observations of flying ants for (A) 2012, (B) 2013 and (C) 2014. Inserts show the geographical distribution of observations across the UK on peak days and on days with clustered...
Article Title: The spatial distribution and environmental triggers of ant mating flights: using citizen‐science data to reveal national patterns
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Stochastic Ricker dynamics, showing mean post‐dispersal abundance over the 30×30 coupled map lattice when 75% (solid circles and line) and 25% (open circles and dashed line) of individuals disperse...
Article Title: Estimation of the spatial autocorrelation function: consequences of sampling dynamic populations in space and time
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Map of Draved Forest showing the enclosures, the blocks used in the vegetation analysis and the sites used for pollen analysis (•).
Article Title: Long‐term succession in a Danish temperate deciduous forest
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Neighbour joining dendrogram based on the genetic distances (Nei 1972) of 18 populations of L. tityrus. Abbreviations: G: Germany, A: Austria, I: Italy, BY: Bavaria, RP: Rhineland‐Palatinate, MW:...
Article Title: Genetic differentiation between alpine and lowland populations of a butterfly is related to PGI enzyme genotype
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Study area and location of the 5142 herbarium specimens.
Article Title: Broad‐scale biodiversity pattern of the endemic tree flora of the Western Ghats (India) using canonical correlation analysis of herbarium records
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Wing pattern means in (a–d) Coenonympha hero and (e–h) C. arcania from three biogeographical regions (central (C) as dark bars, peripheral (P) as striped bars and isolated (I) as light bars)...
Article Title: Are peripheral populations special? Congruent patterns in two butterfly species
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Part of variance in arthropod species composition explained by the 20 most important hemipteran species (full version in Supplementary material Appendix 1 Fig. A12); determined from variation...
Article Title: Importance of biotic niches versus drift in a plant‐inhabiting arthropod community depends on rarity and trophic group
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Location and map of the upper Tennessee River basin‐labeled rivers were sampled longitudinally for freshwater mussels.
Article Title: Nestedness in riverine mussel communities: patterns across sites and fish hosts
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Relationships between density of invertebrates and plant diversity for 2006 and 2007, and for (a–b) web‐building spiders, (c–d) adult beetles, and (e–f) nematodes. Nematode density is expressed as...
Article Title: Patterns of invertebrate density and taxonomic richness across gradients of area, isolation, and vegetation diversity in a lake‐island system
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Distribution of range boundaries and number of species included in this study. (A) Frequency of northern (black) and southern (gray) range boundaries for all the species within the study area; the...
Article Title: The location, strength, and mechanisms behind marine biogeographic boundaries of the east coast of North America
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Factors determining species detectability. Whether a species tends to be more or less difficult to detect depends on a series of factors, described here with a nested structure. 1) At the core lie...
Article Title: Modelling of species distributions, range dynamics and communities under imperfect detection: advances, challenges and opportunities
Publication Title: Ecography -
- Identifier
- ecog12560-fig-0004
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Study field locations and author affiliations of multi‐species occupancy studies of the publications considered in the review indicate a match between the two. Field studies tended to have at least...
Article Title: Multi‐species occupancy models: review, roadmap, and recommendations
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description (a) The dispersal rate, measured as the number of shifts between the two shady cage parts per h, and (b) the overall mobility, measured as the absolute number of cage sections traversed per h (,...
Article Title: Habitat preference and habitat exploration in two species of satyrine butterflies
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Joint plot of (a) Partial DCA of the species data from sites with >40% cover of Cladina lichens in ungrazed plots (site differences partialed out by using them as covariables). (b) Partial DCA of...
Article Title: Impact of reindeer grazing on ground‐dwelling Carabidae and Curculionidae assemblages in Lapland
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description Effect of species richness (s) and interspecific difference of mortality (CV(m)) on gap pattern (four different metrics, see text) in a highly clumped community matrix (Case 3 in Table 1). Original...
Article Title: Gap pattern and colonization opportunities in plant communities: effects of species richness, mortality, and spatial aggregation
Publication Title: Ecography -
Description (a) Giant kangaroo rat Dipodomys ingens presence (n = 741, green) and absence (n = 746, blue) locations from burrow surveys of historical aerial imagery and existing historical range map within 10...
Article Title: Reconstruction of the historical range alters niche estimates in an endangered rodent
Publication Title: Ecography