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Description (a) Averaged PsA spectra for ON and OFF from 480 to 880 nm of the event at 03:27–03:40 UT on 6 March 2017. Red and blue indicate ON and OFF spectra, respectively. (b) Same as (a) but for 620–700...
Article Title: OI 630.0‐nm and N2 1PG Emissions in Pulsating Aurora Events Observed by an Optical Spectrograph at Tromsø, Norway
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Eastward drifts of plumes at 350 km observed during 20–24 LT on 15 nights. Different colors correspond to observations made on different nights.
Article Title: First results on low‐latitude E and F region irregularities obtained using the Gadanki Ionospheric Radar Interferometer
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description (a) The log10 number density of CO2, Ar, and N2 observed by NGIMS as a function of time, starting when the spacecraft reaches 250 km above the areoid on the inbound portion of its orbit. The solid...
Article Title: MAVEN NGIMS observations of atmospheric gravity waves in the Martian thermosphere
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Statistical Analysis of Ring Ionospheric Trough CharacteristicsKarpache v - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space PhysicsJ Geophys Res Space Phys vol. 126, October 2021
Article Title: Statistical Analysis of Ring Ionospheric Trough Characteristics
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Ground‐based magnetograms and location of MMS and Cluster spacecraft. (a) Pseudo AE, (b) Northward (Bx) and (c) Eastward (By) component of midlatitude magnetogram. While data from the southern...
Article Title: Thin Current Sheet Behind the Dipolarization Front
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description The temporal evolutions of X‐ray fluxes, EUV fluxes, IMF Bz (black dotted line), and solar wind dynamic pressure (blue dotted line) during the X1.5 flare on 13 September 2005. Three dashed lines...
Article Title: Response of the American equatorial and low‐latitude ionosphere to the X1.5 solar flare on 13 September 2005
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Percentage Departure of Toroidal Frequencies Estimated Using WKB Method From Corresponding Numerical Exact Solution for Rigid‐End and Free‐End Cases at L = 6.6
Article Title: An analytic model of toroidal half‐wave oscillations: Implication on plasma density estimates
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description (a) The refractive index along latitude, (b) the resonance latitude, (c) the resonance |∂μ/∂s|, and (d) the parameter R as a function of αeq for 4 MeV electrons. (e–g) The same format as (b)–(d)...
Article Title: Nonlinear Interactions Between Relativistic Electrons and EMIC Waves in Magnetospheric Warm Plasma Environments
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description (a) Range‐time‐intensity (velocity) diagram for the Christmas Valley West beam 14. The red line represents the AMPERE orbital plane in ∼20 MLT, and the black arrow represents the vector of the...
Article Title: Multi‐instrument Observations of Mesoscale Enhancement of Subauroral Polarization Stream Associated With an Injection
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description (a) Temporal dynamics of Ey in the wave with f=0.71 kHz and λ‖=5.3 in the density duct observed by RBSP‐A during Event II. (a′) The ratio n/n1 in the direction across B0. (a′′) Temporal variation...
Article Title: Observations and Modeling of Whistler Mode Waves in the Magnetospheric Density Ducts
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description The relationship between the OMNI proton temperature and the MMS1 FPI ion temperature in fast‐survey mode. (a) shows the data with a smaller x axis so the points can be seen in more detail, and (b)...
Article Title: A Study of the Solar Wind Ion and Electron Measurements From the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission's Fast Plasma Investigation
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Consecutive ionospheric convection patterns from 07:40 to 14:00 UT in the Northern Hemisphere plotted in magnetic latitude versus magnetic local time, with a contour interval of 10 kV. Blue...
Article Title: Global ionospheric and thermospheric response to the 5 April 2010 geomagnetic storm: An integrated data‐model investigation
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description List of the Ionosonde Stations
Article Title: Study on the relationship between the residual 27 day quasiperiodicity and ionospheric Q disturbances
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Number of occurrence of consecutive PASSes separated by T min. Consecutive PASSes range from two PASSes to seven PASSes.
Article Title: Oxygen Ion Flow Reversals in Earth's Magnetotail: A Cluster Statistical Study
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description The w values for 2‐keV electrons of single species atmospheres and the reconstructed w values of solar system atmospheres obtained using the weighted sum approach (equation ). The differences...
Article Title: The Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS): Description and Validation
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Evolution of the wave and plasma properties during the 31 days of March 2013: (a) mean frequency, fm, in hertz; (b) upper one sigma frequency, fup, in hertz; (c) lower one sigma frequency, flw, in...
Article Title: Effects of whistler mode hiss waves in March 2013
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Occurrence distribution of (a and c) |b·emin| and (b and d) |j·emin| normalized on cosine distribution between two random directions. The peak in correspondence of the value one indicates that b...
Article Title: Four‐Spacecraft Measurements of the Shape and Dimensionality of Magnetic Structures in the Near‐Earth Plasma Environment
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Retrieval errors as a function of latitude and random noise amplitude for DE3 temperature tidal amplitudes (a) and phases (b) when applying our approach to simulated global‐scale observations of...
Article Title: Deducing Non‐Migrating Diurnal Tides in the Middle Thermosphere With GOLD Observations of the Earth's far Ultraviolet Dayglow From Geostationary Orbit
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Similar as Figure but for Scenario 3 constructed (b) and (c) with the F15‐11 and F15‐12 passes. These depict an ASAPS and an ASAID feature (shaded intervals in yellow and green), and two FC‐1s...
Article Title: Investigating the Development of Abnormal Subauroral Ion Drifts (ASAID) During the Magnetically Quiet Times of October 2003
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Latitude variations of the neutral mass density (ρ) measured by CHAMP during the same orbits as in Figure . However, for 30 October 2003, the variation of ρ during the previous orbit is shown, and...
Article Title: IpsDst of Dst Storms Applied to Ionosphere‐Thermosphere Storms and Low‐Latitude Aurora
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description (a) Monthly median topside TEC and (b) monthly RMS errors in topside TEC for the IRI URSI (blue), IRI CCIR (red), IRI with CADI‐NmF2 (dashed black), and GPS (black) at the Resolute CHAIN location.
Article Title: Solar activity variability in the IRI at high latitudes: Comparisons with GPS total electron content
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Data Products and the Time Lags Between Receipt at MOC and Their Public Availability
Article Title: The MERiT Onboard the CeREs: A Novel Instrument to Study Energetic Particles in the Earth's Radiation Belts
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description VLF wave phase monitored on different transmitter‐receiver paths during 40 injection events.
Article Title: Characteristics of Electron Precipitation During 40 Energetic Electron Injections Inferred via Subionospheric VLF Signal Propagation
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description (a) Simplified schematic of the ion wake (at high M) at the DHP and the potential structures across the wake (dashed lines) as λD varies. The schematic shows the wake region immediately behind the...
Article Title: A Double Hemispherical Probe for Characterizing and Minimizing the Self‐Wake Effects on Probe Measurements
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Daily evolution of the median (log10) symmetric accuracy in percent (ζ) from 4 March (t = 0) to 15 March (t = 11) 2013 of flux computed from (top) the 1D reduced Fokker‐Planck model and (bottom)...
Article Title: Observations and Fokker‐Planck Simulations of the L‐Shell, Energy, and Pitch Angle Structure of Earth's Electron Radiation Belts During Quiet Times
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Summary of Major Error Sources
Article Title: Far ultraviolet instrument technology
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description (a) Mass density inferred from Alfvén waves measured by GOES 7 (thick blue curves) and that given by the most detailed model without Kp dependence (solid red curves) and the model with Kp...
Article Title: Mass density at geostationary orbit and apparent mass refilling
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Electric field power spectral density in wave number space. The corresponding latitudinal extent and time are displayed at the top and right axes of the panels. The parallel (kλ) and perpendicular...
Article Title: Two‐Dimensional Hybrid Particle‐in‐Cell Simulations of Magnetosonic Waves in the Dipole Magnetic Field: On a Constant L‐Shell
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description IUVS echelle spectra of the sunlit disc of Mars during orbits 458 (24 Dec. 2014), 592 (19 Jan. 2015), and 1612 (28 July 2015) showing the spectrally separated H (121.567 nm) and D (121.533 nm) Ly α...
Article Title: Variability of D and H in the Martian upper atmosphere observed with the MAVEN IUVS echelle channel
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics -
Description Spectrograms showing the time evolution of SEE from 1 s before heater turn on to 44 s into the heating cycle for transmit frequency (ω0) 4.28 MHz and linear ramp in transmit power from 101.5 kW...
Article Title: Pump Power Effects on Second Harmonic Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions During Ionosphere Heating
Publication Title: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics