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Description Effects of superoxide dismutase (SOD), and the enzyme inhibitors diphenylene iodonium (DPI) and sodium azide (NaN3) on O2·− concentrations in leachates from excised C. sativa axes. Axes were...
Article Title: Extracellular superoxide production, viability and redox poise in response to desiccation in recalcitrant Castanea sativa seeds
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Midday net photosynthetic carbon assimilation rates (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) from experiment 1
Article Title: The OzT8 locus in rice protects leaf carbon assimilation rate and photosynthetic capacity under ozone stress
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description The MYB‐bHLH‐WDR (MBW) complexes regulate the spatiotemporal carbon partitioning in A. thaliana seeds through a complex modularity. The conserved ancestral master regulator WDR member (TTG1) and...
Article Title: Seed mucilage evolution: Diverse molecular mechanisms generate versatile ecological functions for particular environments
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description (a) Measured flux and (b) pectin concentration for two Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, squares) and two European yew (Taxus baccata, circles) branches subjected to a pressure head Δh of...
Article Title: Persistent decay of fresh xylem hydraulic conductivity varies with pressure gradient and marks plant responses to injury
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description TABLE
Article Title: MutS HOMOLOG1 mediates fertility reversion from cytoplasmic male sterile Brassica juncea in response to environment
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Ultrastructural features that characterize the stages 1 to 6 of chloroplast biogenesis during rehydration in Xerophyta humilis
Article Title: Chloroplast biogenesis during rehydration of the resurrection plant Xerophyta humilis: parallels to the etioplast–chloroplast transition
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Pearson correlation coefficient (r2) matrix between different traits
Article Title: Diversity analysis of the response to Zn within the Arabidopsis thaliana species revealed a low contribution of Zn translocation to Zn tolerance and a new role for Zn in lateral root development
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Correlations between leaf morphological parameters and effective path length (L )
Article Title: Effects of environmental parameters, leaf physiological properties and leaf water relations on leaf water δ18O enrichment in different Eucalyptus species
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description TABLE
Article Title: Improving crop salt tolerance using transgenic approaches: An update and physiological analysis
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Flow rate Q as a function of time: (a) data from Dixon (1914) showing the measured flow rate in mg/s for four branches of Abies pectinate (to allow comparison with panel (b), the inset shows the...
Article Title: Persistent decay of fresh xylem hydraulic conductivity varies with pressure gradient and marks plant responses to injury
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Kinetics of [14C]‐methylammonium transport in pre‐gametes (dark gametes) and gametes of lrg6 mutant from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Article Title: Regulation by light of ammonium transport systems in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Effects of 50% carbon monoxide (CO)‐saturated aqueous solution, nitric oxide (NO) donors sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and diethylenetriamine NO adduct (DETA/NO), SNP analogue K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6, SNP...
Article Title: Carbon monoxide enhances salt tolerance by nitric oxide‐mediated maintenance of ion homeostasis and up‐regulation of antioxidant defence in wheat seedling roots
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Relationship between stomatal conductance and leaf ethylene emission rate after re‐watering. The coordination of stomatal conductance (gs) with leaf ethylene emission rate after re‐watering at –3.2...
Article Title: Ethylene, not ABA, is closely linked to the recovery of gas exchange after drought in four Caragana species
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description List of proteins identified by MS/MS in heat‐treated TBY‐2 cells
Article Title: Exploring the soluble proteome of Tobacco Bright Yellow‐2 cells at the switch towards different cell fates in response to heat shocks
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Variables measured for each genotype
Article Title: Rice leaf growth and water potential are resilient to evaporative demand and soil water deficit once the effects of root system are neutralized
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Analysis of variance results for the measured ecophysiological parameters, including instantaneous photosynthetic discrimination Δi (‰) that is calculated from ecophysiological measurements
Article Title: Ontogeny and leaf gas exchange mediate the carbon isotopic signature of herbaceous plants
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Sequences of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers used in this study
Article Title: A Bowman‐Birk type protease inhibitor is involved in the tolerance to salt stress in wheat
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Trait heritability estimates (hop2) with standard errors (SEs) and pairwise phenotypic (below diagonal) and genetic (above diagonal) correlations among traits
Article Title: Independent genetic control of drought resistance, recovery, and growth of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and peroxidase (POX) activities (nm min−1 mg−1 protein) in grape leaves of plus ultraviolet (UV)‐B (+UV‐B) and minus UV‐B (−UV‐B) treatments either...
Article Title: Abscisic acid is involved in the response of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Malbec leaf tissues to ultraviolet‐B radiation by enhancing ultraviolet‐absorbing compounds, antioxidant enzymes and membrane sterols
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Changes in the expression levels of genes related to the electron transport processes of mitochondria in the roots and leaves of chickpea plants grown under individual and combined phosphate (Pi)...
Article Title: Phosphate or nitrate imbalance induces stronger molecular responses than combined nutrient deprivation in roots and leaves of chickpea plants
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description The distribution of intercellular CO2 concentration at the rate transition point. In Panel (a), the shaded area depicts the distribution of Ci at the rate transition point from Rubisco...
Article Title: No evidence for triose phosphate limitation of light‐saturated leaf photosynthesis under current atmospheric CO2 concentration
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Loadings of the variables measured on the ‘Starkrimson’ × ‘Granny Smith’ apple progeny, P50, slope (SL), pith area (PA), vessel density (VD), and clusters of variables groupD (proportion of small...
Article Title: Genetic determinism of anatomical and hydraulic traits within an apple progeny
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Experimental design of the study. Time course of Fol colonization in flax root and stem and impact on the cell wall. Three‐week old Aramis and Mélina plants were inoculated or not with Fol....
Article Title: Effect of a Bacillus subtilis strain on flax protection against Fusarium oxysporum and its impact on the root and stem cell walls
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description TABLE
Article Title: MutS HOMOLOG1 mediates fertility reversion from cytoplasmic male sterile Brassica juncea in response to environment
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Genome‐wide DNA methylation and differential methylation distribution in response to Cadmium (Cd) stress. The seeds were germinated on MS medium for 4 days, and then the seedlings were transferred...
Article Title: Inhibition of DNA demethylation enhances plant tolerance to cadmium toxicity by improving iron nutrition
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description The relationship between leaf water potential and leaf hydraulic conductance after rehydration. The coordination of leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) with increasing leaf water potential (ψleaf)...
Article Title: Ethylene, not ABA, is closely linked to the recovery of gas exchange after drought in four Caragana species
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Pine wilt disease (PWD) in Pinus massoniana caused by the pathogen pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus). (a) Morphology of B. xylophilus female (left) and male (right). (b) Healthy P....
Article Title: Two terpene synthases in resistant Pinus massoniana contribute to defence against Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Molecular hydrogen–induced salinity tolerance requires melatonin signalling in Arabidopsis thalianaH2 and melatonin under salinity stressSu et al. - Plant, Cell & EnvironmentPlant Cell Environ vol....
Article Title: Molecular hydrogen–induced salinity tolerance requires melatonin signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description SuperSAGE libraries for different developmental stages of inflorescences
Article Title: The gene expression landscape of thermogenic skunk cabbage suggests critical roles for mitochondrial and vacuolar metabolic pathways in the regulation of thermogenesis
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment -
Description Underwater net photosynthesis and dark respiration of Spartina anglica leaf segments with or without gas films
Article Title: Leaf gas films of Spartina anglica enhance rhizome and root oxygen during tidal submergence
Publication Title: Plant, Cell & Environment