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Displaying assets from 1 to 30 out of 609
Description Timeline of key events at both settings
Article Title: Enacting knowledge strategy through social media: Passable trust and the paradox of nonwork interactions
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Propensity‐score matching first‐stage model: Presuccession predictors of an outsider CEO ,
Article Title: CEO selection as risk‐taking: A new vantage on the debate about the consequences of insiders versus outsiders
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description An illustration of shape‐flip. Y = 400 + 14.8X − 0.21X2 − 2.4XZ + 0.03X2Z. X ranges from zero to 60. Coefficients are chosen for illustrative purposes
Article Title: Thinking about U: Theorizing and testing U‐ and inverted U‐shaped relationships in strategy research
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Incumbent's strategic responses as entry cost declines
Article Title: Fight or flight? Market positions, submarket interdependencies, and strategic responses to entry threats
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Correlation and descriptive statistics
Article Title: The case for humble expectations: CEO humility and market performance
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Event study: Stock market reaction to changes of the DJSI (matched sample). Panel A: Comparison between CAR surrounding DJSI events and CSR‐equivalent events. Panel B: Difference‐in‐differences...
Article Title: Do investors actually value sustainability indices? Replication, development, and new evidence on CSR visibility
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description The crisis‐response match and cumulative abnormal stock returns (Study 2)
Article Title: The crisis‐response match: An empirical investigation
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description The equilibrium position xek and profit πek for the entrant
Article Title: Incumbent repositioning with decision biases
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description TABLE
Article Title: The corporate parenting advantage, revisited
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Diversification and the propensity to write Kinect papers that belong to a broader set of IEEE domains
Article Title: Jack of all trades and master of knowledge: The role of diversification in new distant knowledge integration
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Variable summary statistics
Article Title: The dynamics of diversification: Market entry and exit by public and private firms
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Pairwise correlations (n = 241,714)
Article Title: Signaling valuable human capital: Advocacy group work experience and its effect on employee pay in innovative firms
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Organizational consequences of political ties
Article Title: Non‐profit organizations as a nexus between government and business: Evidence from Chinese charities
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description The interaction between hiring directors and board experience predicting CEO dismissal
Article Title: The impact of hiring directors' choice‐supportive bias and escalation of commitment on CEO compensation and dismissal following poor performance: A multimethod study
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description OLS regressions examining the moderating effect of app one installs on the relationship between search distance and app two installs
Article Title: Problemistic search distance and entrepreneurial performance
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Marginal effects of the coach performance on outcome variables at different levels of the severity gap
Article Title: How the severity gap influences the effect of top actor performance on outcomes following a violation
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description FE 2SLS regressions for the proportion of residents with bedsores
Article Title: Under pressure: Reputation, ratings, and inaccurate self‐reporting in the nursing home industry
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description The effects of CEO humility on Analysts' EPS expectations and actual EPS relative to Analysts' expectations (ARAE): (GEE analyses)
Article Title: The case for humble expectations: CEO humility and market performance
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Post‐shock performance advantage of high formative exploration policy across different forms of technological change. We calculate the post‐shock performance advantage of high (relative to low)...
Article Title: Adaptive capacity to technological change: A microfoundational approach
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Treatment effects and GMM instrumental variable analyses predicting exit rate
Article Title: Caught in the crossfire: Dimensions of vulnerability and foreign multinationals' exit from war‐afflicted countries
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Hybrid structure and employees' knowledge overlap by type of unit. This figure depicts a typical hybrid structure and the interaction structures for different types of units. The expertise overlap...
Article Title: Seeds of change: How current structure shapes the type and timing of reorganizations
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Descriptive statistics
Article Title: Seeds of change: How current structure shapes the type and timing of reorganizations
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description DiDiD predicting reported nursing hours
Article Title: Under pressure: Reputation, ratings, and inaccurate self‐reporting in the nursing home industry
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description TABLE
Article Title: Exploration and exploitation in complex search tasks: How feedback influences whether and where human agents search
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Choice‐supportive bias memory test results
Article Title: The impact of hiring directors' choice‐supportive bias and escalation of commitment on CEO compensation and dismissal following poor performance: A multimethod study
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description TABLE
Article Title: Machine learning for pattern discovery in management research
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Moderating effects of creditor rights on the relationship between financial slack and firm performance
Article Title: Slack resources, firm performance, and the institutional context: Evidence from privately held European firms
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Diversification propensity is likely influenced by culture
Article Title: Jack of all trades and master of knowledge: The role of diversification in new distant knowledge integration
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description OLS estimation results (full results in Tables A2–A4 in Online Appendix)
Article Title: When your problem becomes my problem: The impact of airline IT disruptions on on‐time performance of competing airlines
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal -
Description Congressional testimony event study
Article Title: Market reactions to non‐market strategy: Congressional testimony as an indicator of firm political influence
Publication Title: Strategic Management Journal