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Description Parameters of the simulations in the study of the influence of the flux reconstruction technique for curved interfaces
Article Title: A technique of flux reconstruction at the interfaces of nonconforming grids for aeroacoustic simulations
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description TABLE
Article Title: A new σ‐transform based Fourier‐Legendre‐Galerkin model for nonlinear water waves
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description TABLE
Article Title: Local discontinuous Galerkin method for a nonlocal viscous conservation laws
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description c0‐correction for an arbitrarily shaped PLIC interface reconstruction (for illustration purpose only), the direction of arrows shows the movement of interface points for step 1 [Colour figure can...
Article Title: An accurate interface reconstruction method using piecewise circular arcs
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Sedov problem. (A) and (B) are the mesh and density distribution for all cells by the second‐order Runge‐Kutta weighted essential nonoscillatory on moving meshes scheme; (C) and (D) are the mesh...
Article Title: A Runge‐Kutta–based WENO reconstruction on moving mesh for compressible fluids
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description (Left) Average number of fluid‐structure interaction iterations and (Right) computational time with variable number of time steps for the pressure wave example [Colour figure can be viewed at...
Article Title: On the role of (weak) compressibility for fluid‐structure interaction solvers
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Section 4.1 Solitary waves: water depth approximated by and (GNδ) at time t=50 initialized by the solitary wave of (GN)
Article Title: Entropy‐satisfying scheme for a hierarchy of dispersive reduced models of free surface flow
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Comparisons of the flatness factor of u + .
Article Title: An attempt to improve accuracy of higher‐order statistics and spectra in direct numerical simulation of incompressible wall turbulence by using the compact schemes for viscous terms
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Sketch of the initial configuration and measurement points in the dam break problem [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Article Title: Imposing accurate wall boundary conditions in corrective‐matrix‐based moving particle semi‐implicit method for free surface flow
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description A 2D unsteady advection problem, initial condition projected on 64 uniform elements with P = 11.
Article Title: From h to p efficiently: optimal implementation strategies for explicit time‐dependent problems using the spectral/hp element method
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description The two meshes considered. On the left Mesh A of 296 157 and Mesh B of 2 310 984 tetrahedra.
Article Title: An efficient edge‐based level set finite element method for free surface flow problems
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description m0 calculated in a bounded domain with an 270∘ internal angle with an L‐shape geometry: (a) no boundary condition; (b) mirrored particle method; (c) VBP; and (d) MVBP.
Article Title: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Approximate zero‐consistent 2‐D boundary conditions and still shallow‐water tests
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Estimated velocity slip versus maximum velocity at the flat wall as function of the protrusion length on the opposite rough wall: (a) lr3 = 0.125ltot , (b) lr2 = 0.25ltot, and (c) lr1 = 0.5ltot.
Article Title: A dissipative particle dynamics study of flow in periodically grooved nanochannels
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Advection of a square with interface reconstruction using different remaps: Direct without corner fluxes, Alternate Directions, Direct with corner fluxes with the mesh 100 × 100.
Article Title: Study of a collocated Lagrange‐remap scheme for multi‐material flows adapted to HPC
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description An example of two‐dimensional advection and projection when the volume fraction of liquid in the cell is ϕijn=14. Left: without SLIC and with one liquid phase, the volume fraction of liquid is...
Article Title: Numerical simulation of 3D free surface flows, with multiple incompressible immiscible phases. Applications to impulse waves
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Step pulse wave experiment: Two upper figures show error L2 norms for (a) cross‐section area (S) in cm2 and (b) flow rate (Q) in cm3·s−1 depending on the choice of R1D0D (measured in g·cm−4·s−1) in...
Article Title: Multiscale coupling of compliant and rigid walls blood flow models
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Filter applied to the sensitivity of the velocity in three different points of the domain. Top row: horizontal component. Bottom row: vertical component [Colour figure can be viewed at...
Article Title: Sensitivity equation method for the Navier‐Stokes equations applied to uncertainty propagation
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Values of the spatial filter coefficient, σp, for different methods.
Article Title: High‐order compact finite difference schemes for the vorticity–divergence representation of the spherical shallow water equations
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description TABLE
Article Title: A new σ‐transform based Fourier‐Legendre‐Galerkin model for nonlinear water waves
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Satisfaction of volume fraction constraint using movement of arc center (illustration) [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Article Title: An accurate interface reconstruction method using piecewise circular arcs
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Problem description for the cavity flow problem with velocity and hypertraction boundary conditions.
Article Title: A sensitivity analysis on the parameter of the GLS method for a second‐gradient theory of incompressible flow
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Still water over a parabolic topography 2‐D with wetting and drying interfaces at time 1000 s: (a) free‐surface elevation and (b) velocity magnitude.
Article Title: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Approximate zero‐consistent 2‐D boundary conditions and still shallow‐water tests
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Comparison between the interface obtained by (a) the simulation, and (b) the pictures from the experiment with an initial water column height of H = 0.3 m in the dam reservoir.
Article Title: A free surface flow solver for complex three‐dimensional water impact problems based on the VOF method
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
- Identifier
- fld4882-fig-0011
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Computational setup of fan blade with splitter (not to scale) [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Article Title: Sequential feature‐based mesh movement and adjoint error‐based mesh refinement
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Linearized Riemann solver scheme for a hypersonic blunt body with M ∞ = 6. Convergent scheme exhibiting no carbuncle. Isothermal contours are plotted.
Article Title: An upwinded state approximate Riemann solver
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Estimated average residence time inside the cavities as function number of protrusions. (b) lr1 = 0.5ltot, (c) lr2 = 0.25ltot, and (d) lr3 = 0.125ltot. The results are obtained over a duration of 5...
Article Title: A dissipative particle dynamics study of flow in periodically grooved nanochannels
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Computed free‐surface shape on the scale of the capillary (a) and close to the contact line (b) as the capillary number is varied with Re = 10, θ = 30° and β̄=105 fixed. Curves 1–6 are for...
Article Title: Finite element framework for describing dynamic wetting phenomena
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
- Identifier
- fld4051-fig-0008
- License Type
- Rights Holder
- Creative Commons by John Wiley & Sons
Description Convergence of a maximum change in pressure and a lift coefficient (Re = 6·106 and α = 10°).
Article Title: Application of pressure‐ and density‐based methods for different flow speeds
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Geometry used for an air shock impinging on a helium bubble [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Article Title: Modified ghost fluid method for three‐dimensional compressible multimaterial flows with interfaces exhibiting large curvature and topological change
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -
Description Uniformity and steadiness of the flow (test case S004H50): (a) time‐averaged velocity in three sections through the channel and (b) space‐averaged velocity in three times with 15‐s intervals.
Article Title: SPH modelling of depth‐limited turbulent open channel flows over rough boundaries
Publication Title: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids