I registered a new account on the RPM homepage but still cannot access the site. What is the problem?
Once you set up a new account using the “Register” button on the main page you will be prompted to set a security question and then receive a green pop-up message instructing you to check your email to access a verification link to confirm your identify and finalize your registration. If you do not receive this email, please first check your spam folder and if nothing is found, click on your new account name in upper right corner of RPM website and visit the “update account settings” link. You should be prompted to click a hyperlink to have the verification email resent. If the issue persists, please email RPLicensing@luminad.com for help.
How do I view and update my RightsPlatform account details?
It’s simple to check the status of your RightsPlatform account. After logging in, hover over your username that appears along the top toolbar of the site with an “@” symbol in front of it and click the “Update Account settings” link that appears. On this page you can then click the “Change password” button to change your password or “Edit details” to update any of your account details (email, phone number, saved address, etc.).
My account is disabled, how do I reactivate it?
If you need to enable a disabled account, please email RPLicensing@luminad.com
How do I pay for an image I want to use from your site?
Images and copyright licenses for use can be purchased on the RightsPlatform Marketplace using a credit card. Once you added and item to your shopping cart and filled out the permission request form, you will receive a fee quote for the image use. If you accept the fee quote the image will appear for purchase in your “Awaiting payment” queue appearing under your username dashboard dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the RPM website. Once you pay with an acceptable form of payment your permission license pdf and image file (when available) will appear for download in the “Completed order history” section of your username dashboard dropdown. You can also view a copy of your payment receipt on this page.
I filled out the form to purchase an image and received a message stating “Your request will be reviewed and you will be contacted shortly” instead of an instant fee quote, why is that?
Depending on the selections made to the online permission request form filled out, some requests must go to the original publishers for review. These may take a few weeks before a formal fee quote can be provided. These will appear in your account dashboard dropdown under “Pending Orders" and when a quote is available you will receive an email for you to review and accept.
I am an academic requesting permission to use an image in a journal article I am publishing, what requestor type should I select when filling out the form to purchase?
If your content is going to be published in commercial journal, even though you as the author may be an academic, you must choose the “publisher” requestor type option to ensure you obtain he correct license for your needed use. The academic/student requestor option is for instructor/student use in strictly non-commercial purposes.