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Displaying assets from 1 to 30 out of 1085
Description Descriptive statistics of the original and modified inventory of statements about self‐injury scales
Article Title: Behavioral functions underlying NSSI and eating disorder behaviors
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Median social desirability scale (MCSDS) scores by group. Error bars denote interquartile ranges and squares show individual participant data
Article Title: Assessing susceptibility of a temporal discounting task to faking
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Parental psychopathology
Article Title: Symptoms of social anxiety, depression, and stress in parents of children with social anxiety disorder
Publication Title: British Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description SASB cluster model.
Article Title: Interpersonal complementarity in responses to auditory hallucinations in psychosis
Publication Title: British Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Interaction effect between group and psychache Note. Points on left side of the figure represent the control group and points on the right side of the figure represent the exposed group.
Article Title: Exposure to suicide in the family: Suicide risk and psychache in individuals who have lost a family member by suicide
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Table
Article Title: The role of beliefs about the impact of illness on fertility and close relationships for psychopathological symptoms in women treated for hypothyroidism
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Long‐term course of symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression for patients treated with group therapy.
Article Title: Seven‐Year Follow‐Up Study of Symptoms in Asylum Seekers and Refugees With PTSD Treated With Trauma‐Focused Groups
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Causal interpretations of Beck's cognitive model () with full mediation.
Article Title: Testing Three Different Sequential Mediational Interpretations of Beck's Cognitive Model of the Development of Depression
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Descriptive statistics and zero‐order correlations for study variables
Article Title: Relations of anxiety sensitivity dimensions to nonsuicidal self‐injury frequency and versatility among patients with substance use disorders
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Change in sleep efficiency (%) from baseline to posttreatment in CBT‐I and TAU groups (n = 19).
Article Title: Effectiveness of a CBT Intervention for Persistent Insomnia and Hypnotic Dependency in an Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Risk‐of‐bias percentage along the studies included (N = 18) (Higgins & Green, 2011) [Color figure can be viewed at]
Article Title: Psychological, educational, and alternative interventions for reducing fear of childbirth in pregnant women: A systematic review
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Summary of Pearson correlations between MFODS and disorder severity, and mean MFODS of the disorders (n = 200)
Article Title: The relationship between death anxiety and severity of mental illnesses
Publication Title: British Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Pearson correlations between women with bulimia and sisters' SIDE subscales: Parent‐child and sibling relationship
Article Title: Perceived non‐shared environment, personality traits, family factors and developmental experiences in bulimia nervosa
Publication Title: British Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Development and validation of a three‐item version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression ScaleMARTÍNEZ et al. - Journal of Clinical PsychologyJ Clin Psychol vol. 76, December 2020
Article Title: Development and validation of a three‐item version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Sample demographics
Article Title: Does a history of childhood abuse moderate the association between symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder in survivors of intimate partner violence?
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Funnel plot of effect sizes from the primary studies (the vertical line represents the sample‐weighted average effect).
Article Title: Does forming implementation intentions help people with mental health problems to achieve goals? A meta‐analysis of experimental studies with clinical and analogue samples
Publication Title: British Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Table
Article Title: Characterizing the choice to disclose nonsuicidal self‐injury
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Relevant demographic and diagnostic information for participants (where available)
Article Title: Fearless Me!©: A feasibility case series of cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents with intellectual disability
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Latent growth curve for the outcome of social conflict based on time unstructured data. N = 118, five time points coded 0–4, using 0 to indicate initial treatment levels at the first assessment....
Article Title: Latent trajectories of change for clients at a psychodynamic training clinic
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Personal self‐descriptors: Frequencies and dimensions
Article Title: The personal self of psychotherapists: Dimensions, correlates, and relations with clients
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description PLS‐PM graph for patients with anorexia nervosa. PLS‐PM, partial least squares path modeling
Article Title: Effect of intrapersonal emotional competences on the relationship between attachment insecurity and severity of eating disorder symptoms in patients with restrictive anorexia
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Table
Article Title: Exposure to ethnic discrimination in social media and symptoms of anxiety and depression among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining the moderating role of gender
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Regression of mental health outcomes on institutional betrayal and covariates
Article Title: Institutional betrayal following military sexual trauma is associated with more severe depression and specific posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Change in positive affect in high (n = 34) and low schizotypy (n = 30) across social and nonsocial situations
Article Title: Social functioning in schizotypy: How affect influences social behavior in daily life
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Final model parameter estimates
Article Title: Group exposure and response prevention for college students with social anxiety: A randomized clinical trial
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Simple slopes analysis for the relationship between trauma and suicidal ideation at various levels of grit. Data points are based on the statistical associations between the variables
Article Title: The protective effects of grit on suicidal ideation in individuals with trauma and symptoms of posttraumatic stress
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Cronbach's alpha for different numbers of stimulus clips
Article Title: Facilitative interpersonal skills performance test: Psychometric analysis of a German language version
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Severity categorization (%) of depression and anxiety symptoms [Color figure can be viewed at]
Article Title: How the COVID‐19 pandemic has changed our lives: A study of psychological correlates across 59 countries
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Model‐based reliabilities and factor strength indices based on standardized factor loadings in bifactor CFA and bifactor ESEM models across samples
Article Title: Well‐being in Patients with Affective Disorders Compared to Nonclinical Participants: A Multi‐Model Evaluation of the Mental Health Continuum‐Short Form
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology -
Description Qualitative evaluation and findings in empirical literature regarding Hypothesis 1
Article Title: To manualize, or not to manualize: Is that still the question? A systematic review of empirical evidence for manual superiority in psychological treatment
Publication Title: Journal of Clinical Psychology